Allure : Hot topics week

Saturday, May 14, 2016Bianca_delevingne

It had been a fun four week vacation but the Allure staff were ready to get back to work as tonight's topics were really hot. Maria and Bianca had just flown in from Columbia where they attended the Brittany Awards. "Today was so sunny! I had a fun day with John and his father and we had so much fun. But the flight back to New York was horrible. Yes we were in first class but John kept crying and this other annoying child was crying also. It was awful." Maria said to her makeup lady as she made the final touches on her face. Bianca showed up an hour late due to Dollywood Hall Of Fame preparations so she immediately ran to her dressing room to get ready for the show. "I had a press for DHOF today and I am exhausted. I literally have no energy but i'm excited for the show. I can't wait to see everyone and talk about Columbia." Bianca said to her niece Alice who was backstage for tonight's taping. After all the preparations for the show had been finalized, Bianca and Maria headed to the curtains talking about their day to each other. "Live from New York city" Our technical guy said and everyone in the audience started cheering. "Here's Bianca and Maria" he finished and they departed the curtains with Calvin Harris and Rihanna's "This is what you came for" playing in the background.

"Hi everyone!" Bianca said with a huge smile dancing along to the song. Maria then turned to them and said "Welcome to Allure everyone! Thank you for being here." "Thank you indeed! We have a great show for you today. All hot topics. What's better than that?" Bianca continued with a smile. "Nimka is also here via Skype! Let's get started." Maria said and they walked over to their seats.

Taking a seat, Maria turned to Bianca and said, "Hey B! It's been a while. Dollywood Hall Of Fame is here and billboards are all over the place. Congrats! Any exciting news on that?" "Aww thank you. Yeah! I actually had press today for the promotion. I've been busy with the preparations. There are so many surprises in store for the Dollywood Hall Of Fame Ball. And I can confirm something that will happen June 5th on that evening. Wait for it. Risque. Dollywood Hall Of Fame has teamed up with Emmahunt and the producers of Risque to release the magazine on the evening of the ball. I am really excited. It's going to be a very fun show. What about you? You're fresh of the plane from Columbia. You're looking good. Tell us about your BRA outfit? What was the secret behind it, just tell us everything." Bianca replied with a smile. "Thank you! My dress was so stunning. Ohh there it is. Charbel Zoe himself reached out to me and was like 'Hey! I heard you rsvp'd for the Brittany awards, I have this dress I would love you to look at' and I was like 'woah ok'. And he showed me this dress and I said yes. This is it. I didn't try any other dress on. It just fit perfectly. I loved it. And we had fun. BRA was an incredible show! The theatrics oh my gosh. On another level. Juan did a lovely job. And I got to present the bikini line with Ado so that was fun." Maria replied with a smile. "That was superfun! The Brittany awards was so amazing. If you missed it check it out on Youtube. It was flawless. I will be honest, I tried on like five dresses. All from Naeem Khan. And when I put on that red dress I was floored. I knew this was it. Naeem was so lovely he agreed to make a few adjustments. And my necklace was actually the same necklace I wore for The Stardoll Awards photoshoot. It's made by Graff and I was so happy they let me wear it again. It's not in stores, it's a very special, expensive, art piece. It's vintage so a huge thank you to Graff for letting me wear it again. And another thing we would like to address is why Allure wasn't on for a while. Maria, take it from here?" Bianca said with a smile. Maria then turned to our audience and said, "Sure! So Allure was obviously on a break because we had a few events. And it was also the mid season break. But naturally we were supposed to return for like two shows between those breaks but due to some creative and personal differences we decided it wasn't a good time to do a live show. But now we're back and we have a few shows to do for you all. Stay tuned to the Dollywood Hall Of Fame for some very special Allure announcements. And the very special Kocktails with Bianca is returning with all new episodes very soon. Thank you!" She ended and our audience clapped in excitement.
"Ok enough about us. We were away for a while and some things happened. This story broke a while ago about this girl stealing people's work and branding them as her's. She even stole my graphic made by Isabella and replaced it with some other girls face. She is not giving credit or acknowledging the fact that these are other people's hard work and people are pissed. Did you see this story?" Bianca asked with a straight face. "I did! I was very upset when I saw this because these designers(myself included) worked really hard on these graphics and for some talent less copycat t just come and steal it is very bad. If she said that yes these are not original graphics it's a whole different thing but she claims to have made them. Her bio is 'Free graphics. Taking requests. Dm me.' Girl bye! You wouldn't know how to make a graphic if the instructions were tattooed on your forehead. So bye! Credit should be given where it is due. This is stealing." Maria replied and the audience clapped in agreement. "I agree with you. She should give credit. You shouldn't even take it at all, she's just thirsty for attention and that is disgusting. I hope she gets taken down, people should report her." Bianca said with a smile and everyone clapped in agreement.
Bianca turned to our audience and said, "This is a story I've been thinking about for a while. OK let's not get carried away, I've not been thinking about it. It's just a story that generated a lot of buzz at the time and needs to be addressed. CT or 'Chanel Taylor' I honestly don't know where that name came from but it's generic and a bit annoying but that's not the point and to each their own. Released the second issue of CT magazine and titled it 'female empowerment' good name. There were several problems with this magazine because a male was on the cover, three out of nine people that were featured in the magazine were female and there were no words in the magazine by a woman. Nimka made a post expressing her feelings towards this magazine and that generated a lot of buzz which lead to CT issuing a statement saying, 'It was rushed. I wanted to feature popular people' to summarize it. Maria do you think Nimka is right? What do you think of this whole messy situation?", "This is a mess indeed. The shade in Meto's comment is giving me life. Slay! Ok first of all! This should not be considered a magazine, sorry but the truth. This is tacky. The interview is tacky, the pictures are all premade, no newness. Nothing. It's just bland. I have nothing to say. I saw your lengthy comment on his post and I have to say I agree a thousand percent. This is not good. But Nimka's post is a bit on the shaky side if you know what I mean. Her name was on the editor's letter but there was no graphic of her, do you think that's what prompted this post?" Maria replied with a smile and our audience laughed . "The shade! Maybe, maybe not. I don't know. But I agree with Nimka that's why I commented on CT's post. I explained that a magazine cannot be done in just a few hours. As a person that has worked on two issues of a magazine and still has a long way to go in production, I didn't feel CT should have branded his 'jotter' a magazine. I am going to give a piece of advice: Look at the magazines that have come before yours. Study them, analyze them and ask yourself how you can be creative without copying them and you'll figure out a way. Hopefully you do better next time. Ask for help. Simple as ABC. Let's move on." Bianca ended and our audience clapped.
Maria turned to out audience and said, "I am so excited to talk about this. Three words. Cultural Diversity Ball. A wonderful new event created and hosted by Sophie Love, Emmahunt, Jasmine and Lachelle is coming very soon and everyone is so excited. It's an event to celebrate different cultures here in Dollywood and I love the idea." "I love it too, I think it's great that different cultures are being recognized and shown love. The theme is White tie. Hmm...interesting. I liked the original theme. It basically said you should wear outfits inspired by your country of origin which was awesome! But now that it's white tie...It's quite limited. But it's still great. I just prefer the country of origin outfit because I had already picked an outfit for that now I have to change." Bianca said laughing and turning to Maria. "Yeah! outfits inspired by your country of origin sounds cool because it's a cultural ball but white tie is also great. It gives you this whole range of stunning outfits. I love it. Personally, I prefer white tie. The cultural outfit seems stressful in a me." Maria added with a smile. "Well for me I prefer cultural but I can't wait to see the white tie outfits. This is already shaping up to be a great event. And hopefully we can get them on the show next week. So everyone go give them a like and stay tuned for this wonderful show." Bianca added with a smile and everyone clapped in agreement.
"Please welcome Nimka all the way from the shores of Columbia! Hi Nim. Please explain this issue with Fbiola or whatever her name is." Bianca said with a smile as she turned to the screen. "Hi B, M and everyone, thank you for having me today. So we all know what happened was such an ordeal, it was so horrible to be apart of… I’ll start at the very beginning. For a few days after the BRA’s, a girl named Fabiola started hating on Lachelle saying that it wasn’t fair people were always winning awards and it didn’t let the new people win. It just was super rude, and it just escalated to the point where she was fighting with Lachelle, Emma hunt, and Amer. It got to a point where she made a homophobic post, and she’s been transphobic in the post. " Nimka replied Bianca. "Woah! What a situation, tell us more." Maria chipped in with a smile. Nimka then smiled and turned to Maria and continued, "So I got mad. I’ve been ill the last few days which explains why I’ve gone away on holiday for a few days, to get away from it all. The post was about how you can’t buy people and that they’ll leave you as soon as you stop giving them things which was aimed at Fabi. Then the uber troll herself Mariah - who has nothing to do with this, came in and started acusing me of trying to buy my MSW place because I did giveaways. Did I do giveaways? Yes, everyone knows this, that doesn’t mean I was buying MSW. Everyone else was doing everything they could, including Mariah, except she didn’t give her prizes out because she was unhappy about losing. It got to the point where I couldn’t handle it anymore, I was standing up for myself but I can only take too much. There were hundreds of comments on my post mostly from Mariah accusing me of various things, she cared way too much and invested far too much time in me which was scary and I got really upset. I’m a sensitive person! It was just a horrific thing but I had my beautiful and supportive friends helping and supporting me. They have my back 100%. What can I say? Come for me and see what happens, and Mariah did. We have not spoken since and I will never forgive her for coming for me and treating me like shit. I am an angel but that doesn’t mean I’ll let people trample all over me and accuse me of falsehoods" "Wow! What a story! I saw all that was happening but it was too stressful to keep up with plus i'm busy. So ain't no body got time for that. Thank you so much for being here Nim. I see you're still having so fun in Columbia. Looking all sunburned and fancy. Talk to you soon hun! Bye" Bianca said as she waved to Nimka. "I am having fun here. It's sunny and amazing. Thank you for having me. Bye everyone!" Nimka replied, everyone cheered and the feed went off. "What a pleasure that was!" Maria chipped in with a smile.
"This next story I don't care about so i'm not going to say anything. I might as well walk away, I didn't want to do this story but according to the producers we have to address this issue because we have exclusive news on it. I'm just going to shut up. Maria take it from here." Bianca said with a smile as she turned to Maria who was laughing uncontrollably. "Well I don't care either. Here it goes. Ava Harpersd aka Roxanne. Allegedly of course. Has been asserting herself into conversations that don't concern her and she chooses to deny that she is Roxanne. Here are some screenshots of her agreement with some amazing friends of ours trying to drag this girl or guy if you read what we've been reading. Bianca did you see this, what do you think?" Maria asked with a smile. Bianca was busy filing her nails and drinking her tea. She then turned to Maria and said, "What?! Who?! I'm busy M. Talk to them not me. I don't care." "This messy show! I don't care so much about this stupid story either. But our sources have confirmed that Ava is actually Roxanne and we have photos or nudes to prove it. This show is so stupid." Maria said as she laughed and winked at the camera. "Stay tuned everyone, we have more show after the break. Grab a snack and come on back." Bianca said with a smile and everyone clapped as we went to commercial.

"Ohh my goodness! I had a blast on tonight's show! How lovely were the topics?!" Bianca said to Maria with a huge smile. "So great! Thank you all for joining us tonight. We are officially back!" Maria said and everyone cheered loudly. "Thank you so much to Juan and you all for being here and tuning in. All new episodes of Kocktails with Bianca are returning very soon so stay tuned. We love you and see you here next week." Bianca ended with a huge smile.

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