Koctails with Bianca

Kocktails with Emmahunt and Lachelle

Sunday, April 03, 2016Bianca_delevingne

Pulling up to the stop sign, Bianca turned to the Camera in front of her car and said, "Hi everyone, welcome to Kocktails with Bianca. I'm your host, Bianca Delevingne and I have a special show planned for you all today. And right now, i'm driving to pick up one of my guests." As soon as she says this, Emma hunt enters into the car. "Hey B!" She exclaimed as she leaned in for a quick hug. "Hey Emma! Welcome to the show...that's starting from me and you in my car. We're heading to Lachelle's home right now. Are you ready to drink and share your deepest darkest secrets?" Bianca asked with a smile as she leaned in to turn the music up. "Thank you for having me! It's ama- ohh my goodness this is my one of my favorite songs." Emma said as Spotify was playing TLC's 'no scrubs' before anyone could say anything a mini karaoke session had started. After a few minutes of karaoke and small talk they were at Lachelle's wonderful home.

As Bianca and Emmahunt approached Lachelle's front door they could hear 'Anti' blasting through the speakers, Lachelle's butler opened the door and ushered them into the living room where Lachelle was seated. "B!" She jumped up and gave Bianca a big hug. "Emma my darling! Welcome to casa de Lachelle." Lachelle said with a smile as she jumped on Emma. "Emma's looking all fancy! I love your top B. You're not giving flying f*ck" Lachelle complimented with a smile as she nodded for her sexy bartender to come forth. "What would you beautiful ladies like to have?" He said after giving Emma a slight wink. "I'll have a martini please" Bianca said instantly. "I'll have vodka and so will Lachelle" Emma said with a smile as she turned to Bianca who was fascinated by Lachelle's bartender. "He's hot!" Emma said with a smile. "I want some of him" Bianca said after laughing hard. "Ok calm down you. Sl*ts." Lachelle said with a smile as he came in with the drinks in his hands. After a few seconds of staring at the bartender make drinks, Bianca turned to her friends and said, "Thank you both for being my guests on tonight's episode of Kocktails with Bianca. I have so many questions and I hope you have answers. If you have questions please ask me." "Thank you for having us B! We're both so happy to be here." Lachelle said with a big smile and Emma nodded and took a sip of her wine. "Let's start with you Emma, how is Risque going? And Lachelle what have you been up to today?" Bianca questioned with a smile. "I just finished a photoshoot for Risque actually so my day has been pretty good." Emma replied instantly! "I had a fantastic day. I had two photo shoots. one will be released in a few minutes and the other one is for Risque. I can't wait for it to be shown to everyone." Lachelle chimed in. "Before I get super drunk and forget, tell us about your covergirls." Bianca asked with a smile. Emma then turned to her and said, "I love each and every single one of them, they co-operated so well with me and eugh I couldn't have asked for more but I do worry for my girls as they need to quit smoking like Nims girl she needs to put down that cigarette." "Tell us about your shoot for Risque Lachelle." Bianca said with a smile. "Well i'm wearing a lot of jewelry! That's all I can tell you! I'm very honored to be in the magazine since it's the most iconic magazine ever so yeah I'm happy about this shooting and Emma even shared with me some secrets about the whole project so I could like look behind the scenes! Emma's team is working hard on this project. " Lachelle replied gently.
After a few drinks Bianca turned to Emma and said, "Interesting story Lachelle! Can't wait to see your shoot. But let's talk about the controversy surrounding one of Emma's covergirls. Jailer to be specific. What do you think of this whole issue?" Lachelle laughed after hearing this question. "Okay! I've known Jailer for quite a bit and when they did what they did I wasn't surprised the kid is going through a lot. they did open up to me while we were shooting and that's where I was shocked they were doing so much. However I did feel bad for the girls who had didn't get their graphics which is why I offered to help and to clarify before everyone hates me I did it because I will risk anything for a friend. Seriously Jailer is a nice person and very hard working but we all have those days when things go downhill and you can't take it no more. Also this time I think it was because they canceled like a day before SFW is where all hell let loose but seriously I support my girl and I hope they come back bouncing but I gotta say the Allure Interview was something heated I could feel the heat from my screen." Emma replied after emptying her glass of vodka. "That interview was very awkward. I just wanted to go all out and ask all my questions. So Lachelle, you've had some problems with Jailer, what do you think of this situation?" Bianca questioned after ordering a refill. "I think Jailer is just weird. I mean...I met Jailer last year and they were very nice to me, during the first SFW we had some fights (Maria, Jailer and I) so Jailer blocked me.... Later we found peace again and started to talk, but then that "them" "they" thing happens. I will tell my honest opinion once again for the last time about this. I think there is only he and she. You can say I'm not respecting Jailer now, I don't care, but I will not call Jailer "them" or "they" and why not? The answer is pretty easy!! Once Jailer asked me to say "they" so I was like ok if it's really THAT important.... Then months later I wrote once "he" and Jailer messaged me (very rude) about how stupid I am and disrespectful saying that. I was like OK I will say only JAILER then, so this won't happen again.....But please, Jailer asks for respect? I'm not going to respect people like Jailer. He is just a shadow behind me who is trying to get attention the whole time. He acts like a OG Bitch, and then when people are mad about what Jailer says or does, Jailer turns into a victim and asks for peace,  then runs quickly away. So this person is not Iconic. Not at all!!!!! This person is just a shame for our Dollywood community." Lachelle said with passion in her eyes clearly the dislike was real. "I have also requested some graphics which they did cancel however we spoke and they are re doing them for me for future purposes so it's all good I guess. And I will be honest I was a bit upset and disheartened but my friends well being kinda comes first." Emma added. "Some people claimed you were in the wrong for supporting Jailer Emma, did you support them? Or are you in support of them?" Bianca questioned. Emma then turned to her and replied, "I would say this I wasn't full on support with the decision at first because to me it wasn't right dropping just like a day before. However after learning about the situation I did understand where they were coming from and if I was really honest I wasn't actually even public supportive of Jailer I did try to steer myself out of the whole situation but I didn't want to leave my friends hanging." "And Emma, You know I respect you and love you, but really... You don't need to eat someone else's shit by helping them out. Jailer cancelled the outfits, well it's ok since I didn't order, but one day before the event? Really? That's a no go for me!" Lachelle added. "Wow Lachelle! I get that alot." Emma said with a smile. "To be honest! Jailer only apologized because they were called out by me and others. And the whole situation has got me f*cked up." Bianca chipped in. "Long story short.... Jailer is not an icon. Jailer is trying to be one, but sadly never will be one. Yes that's all true B!" Lachelle said as she took a sip of her vodka. "Yes I see where your coming from B and L and that's why I helped for the people who didn't get what they paid for. In all honesty it was more for the real victims rather than Jailer." Emma said as she got up to give Lachelle a quick cuddle.
"Enough about Jailer that scamming wh*re! Let's talk about RKOD. Lachelle, people might find it weird that we're talking and being friends when you left RKOD and made a post, care to explain that a little?" Bianca said with a smile as she was getting buzzed. "If I can say something while being on the subject of RKOD. I love the RKOD. You lot just actually make my day with your antics." Emma chipped in with a smile. "Thank you so much. We love you too." Bianca said as she blew a kiss. "Thanks Emms! I feel like, that was the right to do that day! I felt very out of RKOD and I felt like I have to leave it. I didn't know how long, but I knew I will come back once. The 5 weeks without RKOD helped me in some way. I met new people and started taking to others again. But whatever happens. RKOD is maybe full of fights sometimes and stuff, but it'y my home! And the memories we have together will always stay in my mind no matter what. And TBH f*ck what people think me nuh care what they say. They talk and talk and I can't even hear all that sh*t no more." Lachelle said and she emptied her glass for the third time. "I have a question for you B. Where is RKOD? Like seriously I was so excited after you guys announced that you were doing a show and then you didn't. like why bring my hopes up like that?" Emma questioned with a play frown. "I'm so sorry Emms! Ohh my goodness. RKOD was scheduled to happen. A few things got mixed up at the time and we were not in a good place with our friendship so we decided it wasn't time to release it. Long story short, someone left and it didn't quite feel the same so we were like "let's not do this right now" but now we're back. And are we going to release a show anytime soon? I guess you'll have to wait and see." Bianca replied with a smile. "Exciting!" Emma said with a huge smile. "I also have a question for you B!" Lachelle said with a smile, "What are your thoughts on Carmen, do you think she's still a part of RKOD?" She questioned with a smile. "Carmen is very distant as at right now because she's busy with her stuff. She hasn't been very good with communicating and that's really annoying but it's life. Carmen has Padriac and the other one. Whats his face?! Uhmm.....It think it starts with an E...I don't remember. They are her gang outside RKOD. But is carmen still a part of us? Yes!" Bianca replied with a smile. "How about you Lachelle? What of the gang you made outside RKOD?" Bianca then questioned. "There's no gang I made to be honest. I just started taking with Pablo and Isa again and some other people like back then and that's all! OH wait, there is a "gang", after I left I started taking to Amer daily again so that's the only gang I've made." Lachelle replied. "I love this. Everyone has gangs and I am sitting here going 'I have Tania and Manda'" Emma joked after emptying her second glass. Lachelle then turned to Bianca and said, "Speaking of Pablo, I have a big surprise for everyone. It's getting released soon." "Lachelle. A little birdie told me i'm not invited to your event. Is this true?" Bianca questioned with a smile. "What birdie? Was that Nimka?And wait. It's not my event." Lachelle replied immediately. "Your event? Bi*ch I thought it was our event?" Emma said to Lachelle. "Its our event Emms! There are tons of people working on it just as Emma. B that little birdie tells everything to everyone so chill out." Lachelle said with a smile. Bianca turned to Emma and said, "Tell me about the event." "Basically it's an event to celebrate all cultures that dollywood has to offer and basically the event will have a range of different projects being released on the night and one of them is the next issue of Risque." Emma replied with a smile. "Interesting! So i'm invited?" Bianca shamelessly questioned after emptying her fourth glass of wine. "You are!" Lachelle replied with a smile.
After ordering another glass of wine it was clear that Bianca was on a mission to get wasted. She then turned to Emma and Lachelle and said, "Let's play a game. It's called "Never have I ever" I ask questions and we put up I have and I haven't signs. Are you ready?" "Hell yeah!" Lachelle said drunkenly. "Great! Never have I ever thrown shade at someone I considered a friend." Bianca asked with a smile and Emma and Lachelle put up I have signs. "I'm going to put up an 'I have' I do it all the time to Maria. Love ya tho." Bianca said with a smile. "Never have I ever told someone's secret to another person on here." Bianca said and she quickly put up an 'I haven't' sign. "I would never' Emma said as she put up and 'I haven't' sign and so did Lachelle. "Don't f*cking lie Lachelle. I bet me boobs you have." Bianca said as she walked over to Lachelle to turn her sign. "It depends on the secret bit*h" Lachelle joked. "Next one! Never have I ever fought publicly with someone I considered a friend. Ohh I have. I'm so guilty of this" Bianca said as she put up and 'I have' sign. "I think I have but that wasn't on here. It was on blogger" Emma said with a smile as she put up an 'I have sign'. "OMG! So many times." Lachelle chipped in with an 'I have' sign. Bianca then drank a full glass of wine and said, "Never have I ever sent nudes. I would never." She said with a loud laugh. Lachelle then jumped on her and said, "That is a lie B! I have and i'll admit it. Admit yours b*tch." "OMG! I have. And I have seen some nudes on here too." Emma chipped in with a smile. "Do I look like a girl that sends nudes D?" Bianca questioned with a smile. "Me too Emma. I've seen a lot nudes from people on here. Like six or seven and yes B you do." Lachelle replied with a big smile clearly she loves nudes. "Rude!" Bianca exclaimed. "I am a good girl on the outside then in my chats its another story." Emma teased. "Last one s*uts. Never have I told my friend she looked cute when she looked ugly AF. I am so guilty of this. I have." Bianca said with a smile as she face palmed. "I have done this a few times." Emma said with guilty smile. "So this means you've do it to me? I'm kidding. I haven't. I'm too honest." Lachelle ended with a laugh and a sip from her fifth glass.
Alcohol was was very helpful as it gave Bianca fun new ides to spice the show up. She then turned to Lachelle and said, "Time for a new game. Shag, Marry, Kill. I'll name 3 names and you pick who you want to shag, marry or kill. Usher, Trey Songz and Chris Brown?" "Wow! This is so hard. I'll shag Chris brown, I'll kill Trey and i'll marry Usher." Lachelle said with a smile. "This is not hard for me. I'll shag Trey, marry Usher and kill Chris." Emma said with a huge smile. "Well for me, I agree with Emma. You need Usher constantly. Trey is more of a one night thing. Next one! Maria, Bianca and Nimka. Ohh I like this." Bianca said with a smile. "OMG! I can't. Ok i'll do it. I will Shag Nimka's brains out. Marry Maria and kill Bianca. Sorry B" Lachelle said with a big smile. "I will shag Bianca, marry Maria and Kill Nimka but she won't die because she is an angel and she already dead." Emma said with a big smile. Bianca then turned to Emma and said, "Well, I'll marry Maria cause we're already married and she's a whore. I'll shag Nimka and take her powers and innocence. And i'll kill Bianca aka me obvi. I'm too spicy. No thanks." Bianca joked as she took a sip of her sixth glass of wine. Bianca then turned to them and said, "I've got one that's gonna make your head blow. Alex, Pablo and Amer? Go!" "OMG! I will marry Pablo. Kill Amer and shag Alex. He has a big d*ck" Lachelle said with a smile. "Ohh Lachelle you about that ho life right? Well! I will shag Alex because of what I just heard. I will Marry Pablo and kill Amer. Don't worry Amer, we'll meet again. xo" Emma said with a smile after taking a sip of her vodka. "Well as for me, I'll Shag Alex. Marry Amer cause he's a ho. And Kill Pabs. Love you tho." Bianca said with a smile. "What's your relationship with Pablo like? He made your TSA dress right?" Lachelle questioned sneakily. "I have no idea. It's quite awkward. We didn't fall out but I don't know if we're good. I hope we are, I have nothing against him. xo. OMG! This next one. Roxanne, Jordan StefaJ and Chanel Taylor?" Bianca said and asked. "This is not hard! I will kill Roxanne,  Marry StefaJ and shag Chanel." Emma said with a smile. "I will Kill Roxanne too. Shag StefaJ and Marry Chanel." Lachelle chipped in. "Well as for me, I will kill Roxanne and StefaJ and shag and marry Chanel." Bianca said with a big smile. "I've got another good one. Meto, Manda and Tania? Before you answer, I will kill Meto, shag Manda and take her features and marry Tania. She's a keeper, I lover her." Bianca questioned, answered and turned to Lachelle. "I'm with you B!" Lachelle said with a smile. "I will marry Tania. Kill Manda so I can be top model. And I'll shag Meto." Emma said with a big smile. "Padriac, Carmen and what's his face?! Enco?" Bianca questioned with a smile. "I will marry Carmen, shag Padraic and kill Enco...sorry." Emma said with a smile. "Ugh! I will kill Padraic immediately. Shag Enco and Marry Carmen." Lachelle said with a smile. "I will marry Carmen she has 2 toilets in her bathroom we can use them at the same time. Kill Enco because why not?! And shag Padraic" Bianca said with a smile. "Joe, Paria and Kajetan? I'll shag Kajetan cause me no likey very much. Marry Paria because he's sugar daddy goals. I'll kill Joe cause he's a greedy madafaka(Love ya). Go on." Bianca questioned "Eww...I'll kill Joe. Marry my love Kajetan and shag Paria." Lachelle replied. "I will marry Paria cause I'm a gold digger. Shag Joe and kill Kajetan." Emma ended with a big laugh and a big gulp.
Finally, as the drinks has kicked in and they were all fully drunk, Lachelle turned to Emma aand Bianca and said, "I have questions for both of you. Emma when do u think when will MMM finale finally come? And B, what do u say to the people who say that ur only using Maria to make u graphics, without seeing how much u talk to her about other things in private or in RKOD?", "That's a good question L" Bianca said as she took a few seconds to think. "I swear Manda Cancelled it. And also Maria and B are like friendship goals f*ck whoever has anything to bad to say about that." Emma replied as she got up to hug Bianca. Bianca then turned to Lachelle and said, "I don't pay attention to those people. Maria and I are a force of nature. We push each other to do our best. I can't tell you how many times we've broken up just to get back together stronger. That b*tch is my ride or die. I love her so much and she's my sugar daddy. And we are very close we literally talk 24/7. She haunts my dreams and I haunt hers. Hashtag bff's". "I am so happy for that. Oh and B I have a big surprise for the end if its the end already! Me and Pablo are going to release a clothing line together! I'm featured in his upcoming new LOVE collection and I cant wait for u all to see it and wearing it! It will be something very new here in Dollywood." Lachelle said with a big smile. "'She haunts my dreams and I haunt hers' what an iconic statement" Emma complimented. Lachelle holds up her phone to show a new post from Meto Ray throwing shade and Bianca and Emma started clapping. "The enemy of my enemy is by friend I always say." Bianca said with a wink. "I have one last question for you Emma. Do people ever mistake your generosity for weakness or ass kissing?", "A lot of people have and to be honest I have even questioned myself sometimes. But the truth is I just can't say no I always feel bad and then give in but after I give in I look back and think damn I look like an ass kisser." Emma replied gently trying to maintain her composure. "I have one last question for Bianca. Did you have sex with John before he married Maria?" Lachelle asked without thinking, obviously she was drunk. "I have never had sex with John you fu*king bi*ch." Bianca said quickly and she ran out of the house to avoid further questioning. "Thank you both for being here. Thanks Lachelle for letting us film in your home. I love you so much." Bianca said as she gave Emma and Lachelle a big hug. "Can you give me a ride? I'm too drunk to function." Emma said to Lachelle who replied "Hell no! Get an Uber. Bye darling" and slammed the door or her face.
"Thank you all for tuning into this amazing episode of Kocktails with Bianca. I love you all and i'll see you next week on Allure." Bianca said and she blew a kiss to the camera. 

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