Allure : Days of future past

Saturday, April 02, 2016Bianca_delevingne

It had been a long sunny, beautiful day in New York and Bianca had a few business meetings so she got in late and went straight to her dressing room. "I've had such a long day, I don't even have the energy to do this today." Bianca said to her assistant who gave her a contract she had to sign. Maria walked into Bianca's room with a smile and said, "Time to go!" and Bianca replied "Ohh my goodness! What happened to your foot?", "Long story! I'll tell you out there. Let's go." Maria replied with a smile. As they walked towards the curtains Bianca turned to Maria and said, "I saw your snapchat on my way over here. You had so much fun." "I did! I took John to see Zoootopia and we went to the park. We had so much fun. It was a free day for me." Maria replied gently. "I'm glad!" Bianca said with a smile. "Live from New York city" our technical guy announced and people in the audience started cheering. "Here's Bianca and Maria" he completed and they departed the curtains with Drake and Future's 'Jumpman' playing in the background.

"Hi everyone!" Bianca exclaimed with a huge smile. "Hi! Welcome to Allure." Maria added with a smile. "Thank you all so much for being here. We have an amazing show for you tonight. Creator of Vis and  one of the most controversial figures on Dollywood, Jailer is here. And we also have Carmen Bynes via Skype." Bianca said with a smile. "True! And we have some very special announcements for you all tonight" Maria added and our audience got very loud. "What are we waiting for? Let's get started, it's time for hot topics." Bianca said and they walked over to their seats. 

"Hi M! How are you? What happened to you leg?" Bianca asked with a smile after she sat and took a sip of her lemon tea. "I'm good thanks. So everyone! I had quite a long day today. I took John, my son, to the park and the movies and he kept running and running. He was running towards the stones and when I tried to run after him I twisted my ankle. It was not cute. Lucky for me, my friend Smiley Bither was there to take me to the emergency room. But I didn't let that stop me, I put on a fancy little bandage and here I am." Maria replied and everyone clapped in awe. "Aww! So sweet." Bianca complimented. "How was your week B? I've heard alot of things. DHOF, new collection. Tell us everything about that." Maria asked with a smile. "Woah! You heard right everyone. Dollywood Hall Of Fame is coming back with yours truly as the host. It's in the early stages of production but all the info is going to be laid out pretty soon. It's in the first week of June and there is rumor going around of a co-host this year. There is 50-50 chance on it. As at right now, I have no idea if that will happen but we all just have to wait and see. And yes I am working on a mini collection with Maria's atelier. And I am wearing a piece of it tonight. It's called B by Bianca and I can't wait to update you all on the progress of this collection. I'm going to get up so you can see this outfit better." And she got up and posed. "And Kocktails with Bianca is returning tomorrow." Bianca said in excitement and everyone got extremely loud. "Fancy! Let's talk about fashion week. The final day. I premiered my collection and that was super awesome. But the one question that was on my mind was "Where is Enco?" Did you see Enco? What is going on?" Maria asked with a smile. "I did not see Enco. And multiple sources confirmed that Enco was indeed banned from Fashion Week. Jeanette accepted the 50 euros. So now I guess we know what she's worth." Bianca replied with a smile. "50 euros! Wow! Okay. We have more in this story everyone stay tuned." Maria said with a smile. 
"Let's talk more on Stardoll fashion week. Their official page made this post which Padriac and his...entourage thought was...indecent. Granted it's not very profesh as your private life shouldn't reflect on your page. But hey! B*tch better have my 50 euros sounds like a really good song to jam to." Bianca said as she did a little dance. "I can see you're having fun with that B. Well Enco was never posted...not like Enco is super...relevant but everyone deserves a fair shot. And Carmen also talked about how SFW lacked organization. Do you agree?" Maria asked with a smile as she took a sip of her tea. Bianca smiled and turned to our audience and said, "Did I adore SFW? No! Was SFW bad? Hell no! People loved it. It was creative and fun to watch. Do I think mixing personal issues with your page is cool? No. I feel like your page should be professional. But a mix up is needed. And it's a fresh new way to spice up things don't you all think so?" Bianca asked the audience and everyone yelled "NO" together. "Ok ok! Don't throw tomatoes at me. Save them for Jeanette." Bianca said with a smile. "I agree with you. It's sometimes fun to mix it up. But your page should be professional. How about being a professional" Maria added with a smile. 
"Everyone welcome Carmen here via Skype. Hey Carmen how are you?" Maria said with a smile. "Thank you for having me. I'm good thanks." Carmen replied with a smile. "Hey! Let's dive right into this story. Explain this post." Bianca said with a smile. "It was a tough night! Stardoll Fashion Week finale, I enjoyed it all the way long - ever since I started the process of making each outfit and requests of my customers to the show time! My first customer for this season was Enco and his was the one outfit I was truly proud of. I knew he loved it as well and just like that, I knew this was the year he started showing off, coming out to events and seeking glory. He was excited about the Week. The third day, the last day was the day his outfit should've been posted. And then we faced some cruelty from the side of haters and the actual event owner. His outfit was hidden and only set to public the day after which made it almost invisible to the viewers and later his outfit basically turned to their toy. It wasn't a pleasure to watch so I had to speak up. I knew about the "50€" thing a while ago and I don't care if it happened or not - my intentions were to protect my work and my friend's reputation. I obviously stated my opinion about the event and its organisation. I also highly doubt returning for next season due to the discrimination and lack of respect showcased in the descriptions of attenders' outfit descriptions." Carmen replied quickly. "How would you rate Stardoll fashion on a scale of one to ten and why?" Maria asked politely. "I understand all the pressure and effort over it so I am kindly rating it with 4. The lack of polite and respectful descriptions, discrimination, "shade", rudeness but on the other side effort, work and beautiful collections brought by amazing designers, amazing public and stunning appearances made it actually happen through those three days. Hopefully Fashion Weeks comes back with a fresh, new and better organisation." Carmen replied with a smile. "Well you heard it here first. Thank you so much for being here Carmen, hopefully we'll see you soon." Maria said with a smile. "Thank you for having me. Bye B!" Carmen ended and the call got dropped. "Bye Carmen!" Bianca said with a smile. 

"Moving on. Mariah...not you Maria. Mariah the illiterate hair designer, made headlines this week for attacking Sore. She called Sore a 'rat'. This post is a disgrace. Did you see it M?" Bianca asked with a smile. "I did see it. It made no sense but allegedly it was because Sore was messaging Mariah's boyfriend and she found out. So she got angry and started this tweet storm. But I feel like she's over reacting. You're not the first girl to have a boyfriend. Calm the hell down." Maria replied with a smile. "Mariah is just over reacting. Sore and her boyfriend are just friends although there are some rumors that they are hooking up behind Mariah's back. Which I think are completely false. It is unfair and it is not cool. Sore is my friend, she would never do that. Mariah has thrown his clothes out of her house and now he's homeless. We will follow this story and keep you all updated." Bianca chipped in. "Stay tuned everyone, after the break Jailer is here," Maria said with a smile and we went to commercial. 
"Welcome back everyone! Our guest today is the owner of X magazine, is featured in the upcoming issue of Risque and is the creative director of VIS. Please welcome Jailer." Maria said with a smile and everyone started clapping. 
With Ariana Grande's 'Be alright' playing through the speakers, Maria stands up as Jailer walks onto stage, clapping along with the audience as Jailer skipped over. "We’re so excited to have you tonight with us!” Maria exclaimed, while Jailer answered ‘’Hi Maria, I’m so excited to be here, you have no idea!’’ before they carried on, Maria had a sip of her drink and looked over at Bianca who had been quiet for a while.

"Let’s start with VIS, can you explain what it is for those who haven’t had the chance to get the pass, and what is it that VIS means? Is it an abbreviation?’’ Maria wondered aloud as Jailer stopped for a moment before answering. "VIS is the new LE of stardoll, an exclusive and designer inspired clothing store available only to a select few users. Purchasing a pass gains you access to the full collection, as opposed to buying items individually which people aren’t really interested in anymore. It’s the next biggest thing to seep our community! It also stands for a lot of things. Short for visual, which comes from my art haus X Visual Space. It can also be translated in latin, to mean ‘power’ or ‘force’ and I believe the brand has earned such a title.’’ they finished, and finished a whole mojito in one gaining some eyebrow raises from the crowd. With Bianca still not talking or making any indication of entering the interview, Maria pressed on, bringing up a tough subject ‘’A lot of people say that you’re just doing this to take money from people. What do you say to them?’’, "To the people who think I’m doing it for money, I say, challenge me! I’m not in it for the money, but I believe my marketing strategy is something that compels users to be apart of something special. Nobody cares much for freebies nowadays.’’ Jailer answered almost immediately, and while the two were on a roll, Maria carried on and inquired "Is Vis going to be monthly, and should we expect the VIS Dior inspired collection soon?’’, as soon as this was said Jailer began shaking their head, ‘’I prefer not to set any solid deadlines on my projects, it hinders the creative process because of the stress of rushing. VIS is expected to be out mid may hopefully. But time is a concept, and a broken clock is right twice a day.’’ and while both the audience and Maria agreed, Bianca looked on, changing positions in her seat every so often. To lighten the mood Maria queried over an upcoming feature ‘’How was your reaction when Emma Hunt told you about Risqué, and do you know what we’re going to see in the issue?’’, Jailer said while beaming ‘’I was in a word; elated! It’s allays been my dream to be on the cover of a magazine! i know that my doll is not conventionally ‘’pretty’’ like the other days but she has flair, she is beyond the plane of others. So when Emma saw that spark in both me and my doll, it was like a moment I’d been yearning for. I should add that this issue is being very well hidden from us so no I don’t know what you’ll see.’’ they finished, still glowing from talking about their friend and what is sure to be an amazing project.

After changing positions in her seat and listening to the conversation between Maria and Jailer, Bianca felt it was time to ask her questions. She then turned to Jailer and said, "Ok! Now that that's all out there, let's flash back to Stardoll fashion week. When you said you had "broken down" due to excessive stress and you refused to do people's outfits unless they paid you real money. In my opinion and others. That was rude. What was the genesis of that whole story?", "Lets!" Jailer said almost immediately. "No need to put that in quotations, B. If you're gonna say something, say it. You have it twisted, just like you did on your last show. I didn't "refuse to do peoples outfits unless they paid rm" I simply cancelled my orders and was announcing that I'd no longer be taking orders for Stardollars. But the thing is, your opinion doesn't really matter, neither does anybody elses. This was a personal decision, made by my, the person in charge of my work. I don't see why it should have been anybody's business. The genesis of that whole story is that I got pushed to my breaking point, and what people don't understand is that behind every successful graphic designer is a flooded inbox, a folder full of PSD files, and a toxic lake ready to overflow. We are people, and others are blinded by our services and commitment to the community. Without graphic designers, there would be no magazines, no projects, and no events, such as your event TSA." Jailer followed up a straight and stern look. "First of all, i'm glad you used "graphic designers" and not "me" or something like that. I honestly do not believe that. I do know we are all a form of graphics made by Stardoll. But to be honest, events would still find a way to happen but graphic designers are the main people in events now. Like in the old days but we're not on that. You say I have it twisted but you made a post disrespecting everyone that ordered an outfit from you. And it is not the first time you've done this. If you disrespect people you can't want them to respect you in return. Do you agree?" Bianca asked again. Jailer then turned to Bianca and replied, "How did I disrespect anybody with my post? The words I shared came not from a place of malice but a place of hard truth and weakness. And no, I don't agree. I believe I deserve to be respected as a valued member of this community after the incredulous amount of hard work and positivity I have used to fuel it, regardless of if I am forced to make decisions which make others unhappy." Jailer replied with a question and everyone in the room could feel the awkward and some of them started chanting 'lies! lies!' so Bianca turned to Jailer and said "I'm going to quote you right now. You said, "If you want to kick up a storm. I don't give a flying sh*t" which is incredibly rude. They paid for those services, they didn't deserve that." She said and everyone started cheering so she continued "You should have said "I'm putting my health first. I apologize to everyone I have hurt and your monies will be refunded." But you didn't. You acted like you were entitled to their money. And they had no permission to be angry. Why didn't you refund them or say you will refund them earlier?" She questioned with a slight frown. Jailer then turned to her and said, "Because people on here really will create a shitstorm out of anything, and I hastily wished to avoid that. You can't tell me what I should have said when you were not in the exact situation I was. It was circumstantial, not universal. In my 9 years on this website I have never acted like I was entitled to ANYTHING. I have worked my god damn ass off for everything I've got. I never asked for handouts or freebies, and in a moment of weakness I may have relapsed and lashed out, but that does not make me a bad person. So instead of focusing on the 3 minutes I spent making a ridiculously vague post, why don't you ask me about how I individually contacted each customer I cancelled on, apologizing and sympathizing? Because you'd rather villainise and make a mockery of me? It's unfair and unjustified. Each and everyone of those customers have now been fully refunded, as well as been sent a formal and personal apology, PLUS sent a free PNG pack as a further token of apology. If that's not good enough for you and you want to rat on about how I made a rude post, then you are clinging to dead vines. 

As the drama went on Maria sat down and sipped her tea slowly enjoying every minute of this back and forth. She said nothing for she had no energy for drama. Jailer then turned to Bianca and said, "Please also enlighten me on the other times when "this has happened'" Bianca then turned to Jailer and replied "You didn't refund or apologize them until I and some others started challenging you. This is the truth. Speaking of "When did it happen" It happened between you and I. I contracted you to make the graphics for Allure magazine. And when I had paid and we finalized everything you did a complete 360 on me. You never replied me or refunded me. Which is what I believe scammers do. True or false?" "This is not something I remember, Bianca. Most likely it's a lie you made up to support and justify your attack on me. False." Jailer replied and Bianca smiled. "I hoped you'd say that. Everyone! here are screenshots to prove what I just said is correct." Bianca pointed to the screen and pictures of the conversation she had with Jailer popped up and our audience started booing Jailer and they turned to everyone and said, "I don't have to sit here and take this from you. F*ck you and your stupid show. Goodnight bit*h" They then walked off the set throwing their drink to the ground and cursing out everyone as they exited. "Well...this has been Allure." Maria said with a smile and everyone started laughing. "Stay tuned everyone! We have more great show for you after the break." Bianca ended and we went to commercial. During the commercial Maria turned to Bianca and said, "What was that, are you okay?", "It was good, I finally got to speak my mind directly to their face and i'm glad." Bianca replied with a smile. 
"We would like to say a huge thank you to Jailer and Carmen for being here tonight even though it was a little....awkward" Maria said with a smile. "Yes Carmen, thank you for being here. Everyone that came out today to see us we love you. Thank you. And catch an all new episode of Kocktails with Bianca tomorrow here on Allure. My special guests are Emmahunt and Lachelle. Goodnight!" Bianca ended and they walked to the audience to thank them for coming. 

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