Allure : Happy Easter

Saturday, March 26, 2016Bianca_delevingne

It had been a long day of photo-shoots, press and runways. Indeed, Stardoll fashion week was in full effect and Maria and Bianca had no time to rest. Bianca had walked three runways for two major brands and Maria had presented and attended the three shows that took place. "I am exhausted!" Bianca exclaimed as she got into the building after signing autographs and taking pictures with some fans that were waiting outside. "Hi everyone!" Maria said with a smile and everyone started to clap for her because of the success of her new collection that premiered two hour ago. "The show was amazing M!" Maria's makeup artist said with a smile as she walked Maria to her dressing room. After hair and makeup was done, Maria and Bianca walked towards the curtains. "Congrats on an amazing show. I loved my dress!" Bianca said with a smile as she gave Maria a big hug. "Thank you so much B. Thank you for agreeing to walk in my show you were so amazing. I wonder how you did it all though. Must have been very stressful." Maria replied with a smile. "Live from New York city" our technical guy announced and everyone got very loud. "Here's Maria and Bianca" He finished and they departed the curtains with Zendaya ft. Chris brown's 'Something new' playing in the background.

"Hello!" Maria exclaimed with a smile. "Hi everyone! Welcome to Allure." Bianca continued with a huge smile. Maria turned to our audience and said "We have a very special episode for you all tonight. Table talk is back." "That's right! And tonight we have Amer and Nimka voicing their opinions on some of the biggest topics in Dollywood." Bianca said with a smile. "Let's get started, it's time for hot topics." Maria said with a smile and they walked over to their seats.

Taking a seat, Bianca turned to Maria and said, "Congrats on a successful show at Stardoll fashion week. Your collection was so beautiful and I am glad to have walked it." "Thank you so much Bianca. Your walk was amazing. Speaking of fashion week,  how did you like the shows and the looks? How did you travel from Julia's show to mine? We missed you on yesterday's carpet and today's carpet, will you be photographed tomorrow? What is going on?" Maria asked with a smile. "Well, the shows were ok. I have to be honest, alot of them didn't do it for me. I didn't like the colors but they were a few pieces that stood out and looked amazing. Your show and Isabella's were my fav. Not the whole clothes though. Just select pieces. Funny you should ask about Julia's show though. While we were wrapping the show, an Uber was waiting for me outside so I had to run out of the building immediately after the show to travel to your show. My makeup was taken off in the Uber and that was very stressful. I didn't formally attend the show because of last minute cancellations and I didn't want an awkward situation. Will I be photographed tomorrow? No. But I am walking in your newly announced RTW collection." Bianca replied politely and our audience clapped in excitement. "What about you, what inspired your collection? And we finally got/get to see you wear pants. You all, if you've known Maria for as long as I have...well it's not very long but whatever. You'll know that she never wears pants. Only dresses! Why the sudden change?" Bianca questioned with a smile. Maria then turned to her and replied, "You're killing me! I was in a hurry so I picked Dsquared2 pants for tonight. As for my outfit for the opening of Stardoll fashion week, my stylist and I worked on it for a while. It was custom made for me by Nicolas Jebran. They were so nice to me.  My collection: I've been working on this collection since the end of January. And I wanted to make it huge and let some of the models walk twice instead of having more models. Also I picked a very lovely theme to match the season we're in now, which is spring. And I think it turned out great. And yes and you said, I have another collection getting released tomorrow and it's going to be great!" she replied with a smile then she took a sip of her lemon tea. "Sounds fantastic! Who was you best dressed?" Bianca asked with a smile as she took a sip of her tea. Maria then turned to her and said, "Isabella! Who was yours?" "Definitely Emmahunt! You slayed girl. I am obsessed. She was the bell of the ball. Well it wasn't a ball but you know what I mean. Goodjob." Bianca ended with a smile.
"Enough about ourselves and our fun little adventures, let's talk about Jailer, Matthew and everyone that got...scammed...or disappointed...allegedly. Whatever! So! Alot of people paid Jailer to make them an outfit  and they bailed claiming 'I'm stressed', 'I've strained myself' blah blah. And they cancelled all the requests and I personally felt like their monies should have been returned. They didn't refund the money which is technically stealing. You're tired, you've stressed yourself, whah whah, whah, poor you. You weren't tired and stressed when you collected money from them. Moving on. Matthew made this post after the whole situation had gone down and I personally approve of it. I liked it and I smiled. You can't let people fool you. You need so "grow a pair" and speak up. Maria, what do you think? I feel like I've said too much" Bianca asked and our audience laughed and so did Maria. Maria turned to Bianca and replied, "Well you always talk to much but that's ok. You're allowed to and we love it. I feel like, this whole situation is very out there. I agree with aspects of Matthew's post. You can't take from people and claim to be 'stressed' without paying them back. Jailer didn't pay them back. Allegedly! And I find that very wrong. People are so blind by the fact that the graphics are...somewhat ok. That they can't see that they're being conned. That's just all I have to say. I don't really know alot about it. I don't want to dive in too much but I have to." "I agree with you. The graphics are...ok. In my opinion. I personally would never order them, they're too stiff and stuck in one lane. Graphic designers are innovators, creative beings and in my opinion Jailer is not. They work according to a picture and make that same picture. No difference, nothing special just plain boring and stale. Other graphics designers like you, Lullih, Isabella and Jeanette have the power to bend a graphic, merge elements of different pictures into one, make different poses, produce incredible results and never have I seen Jailer do that. The graphic world is moving forward and if you're stuck on 1 technique you'll be left behind and that's where Jailer is. Behind. People just don't see that. They want to be paid rm but they haven't earned it." Bianca added and Maria took a sip of her tea instantly with a smile and everyone laughed and clapped in agreement.
"We're not done with this story. Lachelle also made a post regarding the Jailer situation saying, 'I didn't know artists were scammers" which is true. You cannot be an 'artist' and be a scammer. Lachelle also said Jailer had no respect for people. Which is also true. Bianca what do you think of this post?" Maria asked with a smile. "Of course you're gonna direct this question to me. I agree a thousand percent with Lachelle. Did you see the comments? People were speaking their minds. That was fun. My favorite comment is from Jonathan, he said, 'This person is ridiculous and disgusting. I'm so sorry for those who had already paid for the work that is not completed' I agree. I'm sorry for them. It must suck to have such an arrogant person steal from you. Allegedly! You see how stupid this show is?! Our lawyers said we have to use 'allegedly' so we don't get sued. So between you and I we know Jailer stole from those people we just use allegedly cause it's Tv. What a mess. Still a fun show tho. If I wasn't doing a show like Allure, this is the kind of show I would be watching. It's so messy but so fun." Bianca replied with a smile and everyone smiled and clapped along. "This story is not over, we're still talking about it in out table talk segment with Amer and Nimka. Find out why Bianca fired shots at Jailer on social media. Later on in the show." Maria said with a smile and our audience clapped.
Bianca turned to the audience and said, "This next story I don't really care about. I didn't want to do it but I was forced to do it when we had the hot topics meeting. I'm not doing it cause I care and I bet Maria doesn't care as well but you all may care so let's do it. Roxanne is back!" She said with an exhausted look on her face and everyone started booing her name. "Wow! You all don't care as well? My people." Maria asked with a smile on her face. "NO" everyone chanted all together. "Then let's not make her relevant. We will not talk about her." Bianca said with a smile. "So what do you all want to talk about? VIS? SDC?" Maria asked. "Hell no!" Someone yelled from the back. "I agree with you mister. Irrelevant!" Bianca chipped in with a smile and a point to the man. "Let's talk about how successful Kocktails with Bianca was last Sunday" Maria said with a smile and everyone started cheering. "Thank you all, thank you all." Bianca said bowing gracefully. "Last weeks episode was very revealing. It was a hit. Your outfit was on point, we were drunk, Nimka was fun. Congrats. Can you tell us who the guests are next week?" Maria asked with a smile. Bianca then turned to her and said, "Thank you so much. We were very drunk it was fun. Everyone got to see John or as I like to call him, Donald Trump Jr. so that was great. We had alot of views and no I can not tell you the guests. It's a surprise." Bianca said and laughed a little. "Well we cannot wait. That's it for hot topics. Wow! That was fast. Stay tuned everyone, after the break is our table talk segment with Amer and Nimka." Maria said with a smile. "So stay tuned everyone, we'll be right back." Bianca ended and we went to commercial.
"Welcome back to the party everyone! Our guests today are two very important and opinionated people in the Dollywood. She is know for being the not so innocent angel of Dollywood and Amer is known for being creative and well....shady. Please welcome my friends, Amer and Nimka" Bianca said with a smile and they departed the curtains with Iggy Azalea's 'team' playing in the background.
"Hey everyone! Hi M and B" Nimka said as she walked to hug Maria and Bianca before handing out beads to everyone in the front row. "Hey!" Amer said as she walked to hug them both. "How are you both?" Bianca asked with a smile as they all sat down. "We are tired. Stardoll Fashion Week has been long, fun and stressful." Amer replied instantly with a smile. "We are so glad to have you both here tonight. Speaking of Fashion week, what were favorite shows?" Maria asked with an innocent yet cocky smile. Nimka turned to her and said, " My favorite was a mix between Yours and Isabella's I think both were so beautiful." "Thank you!" Maria replied instantly. "I must say Maria's was my favorite. It had diversity, it was colorful(and everyone knows how much I love colors) and it was cheerful! the last gown was just mesmerizing." Amer replied cheerfully. Bianca turned to Nimka and said, "What made you show nipple Nim, was it planned, was it a mistake?" " To be honest about the nipple... obviously people haven't seen me like that before. I joked earlier that I wasn't sure I even had titties since I wear so many clothes but it's nothing to laugh about and the matter of the fact is that I'm now suing Maria Signature for indecent exposure of an angel without permission. Nothing personal against Maria but my nipples are insured for $10 million. Each." Nimka replied with a single tear in her eye while she was smiling. "Ohh! I'm so sorry Nim." Maria said immediately. "Too late M" Nimka replied. "Let's dive right into the topics. Sami released a new collection at fashion week and it seemed to be a rip off of every other person's work. It was...awful. Nimka then wrote a post calling her out for claiming she didn't copy those designs, what do you think of this Nim?" Bianca asked with a straight face. "I stick by everything I said here and had to stop myself from getting even angrier about the whole situation. She's been bothering me for a while by stealing other peoples works and passing them (badly) off as her own, just the other day she stole a graphic from online to use Maria in, and now for her 'collection' she used one of Maria's graphics? It makes no sense to me at all... I think she should issue apologies to everyone involved in the work, every designer and even the models. It was weird though like, she made mini Frankenstein hobbits out of cut and pasted stolen graphics on paint and that isn't ok! It just annoys me because it's my friends work she's using so of course I'm going to feel strongly about this." Nimka replied gently. "when I first saw the collection, I couldn't believe that that was actually for real. at first, i thought she was trolling with us all but then I found out that it was real. I was in shock! I mean, why would anyone show this to the public? don't they have at least one gram of common sense? the collection was TERRIBLE and I feel sorry for all the dolls that were models for it. you should practice a lot before creating something like a full collection. she didn't even bother to make her own body poses, she literally just stitched together  some already existing graphics and posted it, without even giving proper credits! the whole collection was a pure catastrophe i'd say. it was horrible, it was horrific, it was diabolical! she should practice a lot before posting anything any time soon." Amer added instantly. "I don't even think those were her clothes. I think she stole them, do you agree?" Maria chipped in. " I do! I've actually seen a top that is already on Stardoll! but some of the pieces are probably stolen. maybe all of them, just edited by her so it isn't that obvious." Amer replied. "Stolen i'm sure, it's obvious she didn't care what she was putting out and simply just wanted her name on something like a big event for sfw, that's the only way i can make sense of it." Nimka chipped in. "I agree with all of you. This is absolutely awful. She stole all the clothes and poses. She she just an attention seeker and she got it. But it's not good. She is just drawing the attention to how talentless she is and that's all there is to it." Bianca ended with and our audience clapped in agreement. 
"Our next topic is one we talked about earlier on the show. It's about Jailer but this time it's about me standing up for people that choose not to stand for themselves. I read that post and I couldn't take it. It was very disrespectful and I decided to speak on it because of how it was just in my opinion wrong." Bianca said and she turned to Maria. Maria then turned to her and said, "I saw what you wrote, it's on the screen right for people that didn't catch it. I cheering you on and I saw that Amer liked your comment. So you agreed?" Maria asked while sipping her tea. "I choose to not be apart of this section." Nimka immediately said and she walked over to the audience to watch the situation unfold. Laughing, Maria turned to Amer and said, "What do you think?" "Sure Nimka, we totally understand. Okay so, not sure why, but I was having a feeling this would happen, and look, it actually did. when jailer posted their first status about canceling their customers my first thought was 'oh gosh, how do they feel right now?!' since it's never really a good feeling to know your outfit was canceled do to the designer's personal issues. I would have agreed at first but there was one factor that made me furious, it was how jailer wrote it in a very rude manner." Amer replied with s straight face. "I agree with you.the post was very rude. Go on" Bianca chipped in. "When they wrote, if I can remember correctly, 'and about your money, oh well, life is though' I couldn't believe my eyes since only true scammers write things like that and we all know jailer isn't that. after all the drama about that whole story, jailer made a new post about working on paying back all their customers. that was one really great to hear for everyone i believe. i'm afraid that this is all I can say about that topic." Amer ended. "And do you think Jailer paid them back?" Maria asked. "I have no idea." Amer replied with a smile. "Well  we will keep everyone posted on that. That's all we have for Allure table talk. Darn! Thank you so much for being here guys. Your opinions are very valid." Bianca said with a smile as she got up to hug them both. "Nimka can we talk back stage about the law suit?" Maria asked with a smile and Nimka ignored her with a smile and she walked away. "Bitch! Stay tuned everyone we have more great show for you after the break." Maria ended with a smile. 
"We would like to say a very big thank you to Amer and Nimka for being here today. You both were amazing." Bianca said with a smile. "Yeah! And we would like to say a big thank you to everyone of you for coming out here tonight. It was a blast having to entertain you. Tune into Allure on Tuesday for an all new episode of Live From The Red Carpet starring yours truly." Maria added with a smile. "And from Allure to each and everyone of you, happy Easter. Goodnight." Bianca ended with a smile and they walked to the audience to greet and take photos with everyone that came.

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