"The set looks so beautiful today, I'm glad we flew to California to shoot this" Bianca said to Maria, "Yes! me too, It's really sunny today, I love it." Maria replied as they were standing behind the curtains waiting to deliver the latest hot topics to our already cheering audience, "Live from California" our technical guy said and the crowd got louder. "That's an exciting change" Bianca said laughing to Maria, "I know" Maria replied with a smile, "Here's Maria and Bianca" he ended as they walked through the curtains.
"Hi! I'm so excited to be here in California, how are you all doing?" Bianca said as the audience kept chanting and cheering, "The amazing Jailer and Nimka are here, and today! hot topics is extra spicy" Maria followed up.
"We have to talk about this ongoing drama between Candylove and Dana, so! Dana gave Norah aka Candylove her account when she thought she was leaving, and surprise surprise! she came back, and demanded for her account, and Norah(Candylove) wouldn't give her, what do you think" Maria asked Bianca, "My opinion is, Dana gave Norah her account, so the account officially belongs to Norah, and Dana should have asked nicely for the account and explained why she wanted to come back on her main, and Norah should have been nice enough to give the account back" Bianca replied with a smile. "Yeah! I think so too, there was really no need for Dana to make all those unnecessary posts, they were really annoying to be honest." Maria ended.
"This next topic made me laugh a lot, it was argument between Elma and Nabil, still on the Norah issue, I guess Elma felt like she had to make a post about it, which is weird because you shouldn't, what do you think of this Bianca" Maria asked as she laughed a little, "I agree with you, she shouldn't have made the post. if she didn't, Nabil wouldn't have come for her on the post, I do agree that he shouldn't talk about her weight, but his words to her was hilarious, I feel so guilty because I laughed so much." Bianca replied. "Funny week right?" Maria asked again with a smile, "Super funny week" Bianca replied.
"We have to talk about Jasmine, I love her. she made this post saying she made these graphics, and Nounacoolrock came on the post and asked her what program she used to make these graphics, and things got heated pretty fast, because obviously these don't look like graphics, sorry Jasmine. what do you think? Bianca asked, "Honestly, they look filtered, I'm sorry. however! I don't see the reason why she should be judged so harshly, she is still coming up, her work should be encouraged and critiqued properly in a way that doesn't hurt her feelings." Maria replied as the audience clapped in agreement. "I don't think Nounacoolrock intended to hurt her feelings, I just think she was giving her a bit of a creative criticism and it went wrong, she could have been a little nicer, but overall Nouna is really nice girl." Bianca continued as our audience clapped in agreement. 

"Our next story is on SoniaBellaStone, she was arrested in Paris on Thursday for driving under the influence and cursing at the cop when he pulled her over, did you see this story and what do you think" Maria asked Bianca, "I am not surprised by this, allegedly Sonia was not invited to the party she got drunk at, she was bored in Paris after her photo shoot, and she decided to go crash a party and they let her in, so she got drunk and decided to leave and she got pulled over and 'allegedly' she hit on the cop and when he turned her down, she started cursing at him. So! Sonia needs to move back to New York and get her stuff together" Bianca replied with a smile.
"This next story is about Rafael and Pablo, Rafael posted this photo on yesterday and captioned it 'details' basically, and Pablo came on the post and started posting his work and captioning it 'details' as well, and this went on and on, maybe Rafael's spoiler seemed a bit tacky to Pablo, I really can't judge, but what do you think Maria?" Bianca asked, "I don;t think Pablo's intentions were malicious at all, I just think he wanted to joke about it and Rafael was not having it. loosen up Raffi, your spoiler is looking fabulous so far." Maria replied with a smile.
"Our next story is on Meto and Manda, It has been confirmed that they have both been cast in the Dollywood remake of Sex and the city, this story is so exclusive, no one knows about it yet, it's an Allure exclusive" Bianca said with a smile, "I'm so excited for both of them, My husband John is also joining the cast, it's such an exciting time for all of them, congrats to all" Maria followed up.
"There are some rumors about Jailer, nothing has been confirmed but allegedly Jailer will checking into a rehabilitation center tomorrow, to deal with some major drug related issues" Bianca said as the audience went in an awkward silence, "Well! They'll be here later on in the show so i'll definitely ask them about this story." Maria ended.
"Our Easter eye candy of the week is the beautiful Crazycharmy and the wonderful Ms.Brigitte" Bianca uttered with a smile, "they made us smile with their amazing Easter outfits, congrats to both of them." Maria continued. "We're going on a quick break now. When we're back, the amazing Jailer and Nimka are here" Bianca ended with a smile.
Walking through the audience, Nimka! looking amazing and pushing Jailer on a wheelchair as she waved hello to everyone in the audience. Jailer was sporting a cigarette and an oxygen mask while Nimka was shaking and hugging everyone in the audience before coming over to hug Maria and Bianca. "Thanks for being here" Bianca said as she hugged Nimka with a smile, "my pleasure darling" Nimka replied with a smile. "Welcome Jailer, how are you feeling?" Maria asked with a smile, removing their oxygen mask, Jailer replied "I feel good, as good as one could feel prior to a liver transplant". "And you Nimka?" Maria forwarded, "I'm serving community service, my knees are bloody, my arms weak but I feel accomplished, I am becoming a better person day by day. thank you." Nimka replied as she took a sip of her Iced tea complimentary of the Allure staff.
Jailer and Nimka had gotten comfortable so Bianca felt it was time to dive right into the questions. "How did both of you come to be" she questioned, "It all started back in January, was it?" Jailer replied asking Nimka, "If you want to say January, sure. We started speaking around Christmas/January, the new year. however we have known each other, however not personally, for years." Nimka replied offering Maria and Jailer some candy. "I'll take a banana shake " Maria replied. "I used to see her face in my window every day for 5 years, and then it stopped. I thought she had died. little die I know, she slipped in the shower and was in a coma. I visited her several times, anonymously. never showing my face. until one day, she woke up." Jailer followed up, "I woke up and what i saw haunted me, I have never been the same. snakes began manifesting in my house. but in that moment I knew, I had met a person who would become so dear to me. I would push jailer off a cliff, that is how much they mean to me. and I would jump straight after. we love adventures." Nimka ended. "How do both of you plan on spending Easter?" Maria asked, "I plan to spend Easter in the passenger seat of Nimka's plane. she is a pilot, you know! colour blind she may be, but nonetheless somewhat of a pilot." Jailer replied, "I do love to fly, my plane is called the iron angel, only two crashes so far. I'm the first colorblind pilot." Nimka followed up as our audience cheered for her.
Maria was ready to dive right into the the questions we had talked about during Hot Topics, she said "Let's talk about your life with plastic surgery, what do you have done, what are you going to do?" Maria asked, "The only plastic surgery is having my lips done. however! I would like to remove both ears, they are unnecessary. I would also like my teeth sharpened so I am sweet and kind and cute, but once my teeth are bared people know not to mess with the angel." Nimka replied with a smile, "I'd like to butt in here and say I actually pushed Nimka to get her first surgery - what a Christmas that was! I held her hand. she actually died on the operating table for 3 minutes. They had to use 70% of my blood in a transfusion to bring her back. I can no longer walk, but it was worth it to save my life partner." Jailer followed up. "What a touching story" Bianca said, "That is a very difficult subject but I'm glad you have brought up the effects of plastic surgery. it is the reason i'm not all there, mentally, the death." Nimka replied as tears fell from her angelic eyes, Jailer handed her a McDonald's napkin. "Thanks love" Nimka said to Jailer, "You're welcome darling" Jailer replied as our audience members became emotional.
Eager to dive into fashion, Maria looked at Jailer and said, "We have to talk about your designs, what do you have coming up?" she asked, "Well coming next is of course X5 - the fifth installment of X magazine. I am very excited to release the issue. After that I think I will start working on another collection of X apparel, but with a twist! so keep your eyes peeled!" Jailer replied as Nimka pretended to peel the first layer of her eye cornea. "This ice tea makes me feel like the way my soccer coach, Ray makes me feel, i feel woozy." Nimka said jokingly, "X motel was a concept that changed, altered, and evolved over a very stressful process. eventually, I came to love a very specific elemental aesthetic and chose to stick to it. my inspiration, though, came from witch hunts, government conspiracies, and psychological warfare." Jailer replied and our studio audience started to cheer. "How about you Nimka, any designing plans?" Bianca asked, "I could never design and I have no intention to. I love to make outfits, I plan on becoming a private stylist and makeup artist for dollies around the globe. I do however love to watch Jailer do their graphics, that soothes me. I sit on their shoulder and fall asleep under whichever wig jailer wears that night." Nimka replied, "Nimka is my entire support system. without her, I would be nothing. dust on the ground." Jailer continued as our audience went in an aww.
Bianca felt it was time to dive right into the drama so she turned to Jailer and said, "Jailer, you were recently involved in a huge argument with Pablo, what do you think escalated this argument? she asked with a straight face, "I think a lot of people on here possess a certain complex which drives them to live so much in the present day. I have been here for more years than I like to even acknowledge, and over that time I have established myself as many things; a blogger, a graphic designer, an editor, a personality, an icon. I deserve respect. I should not have to weed my already perfect garden, bending over backwards to please people. But! to answer your question, I think that Pablo crossed a line and disrespected me. the argument escalated to a person level, it should have never got there. i am no longer on speaking terms with Pablo, nor do i have intentions of rekindling our friendship. what's done is done and i don't work on a system of strikes. if you want to play games, you will get played, and you will lose. i don't give second chances." Jailer replied, "So do you have any words for Pablo?" Bianca questioned again, "I'll try to be as honest as possible here, I just want Pablo to know where he came from. who pulled him out of the sewage to where he is now. Without me I believe that Pablo would be nowhere close to where he is currently. granted, Pablo is a talented designer, I believe that it was me who lit a fire under his ass and propelled him into stardom. know where you come from. and i'm not saying that I am to thank for all his success, but a car does not run without an engine, no matter how much gas you try to cipher into it." Jailer replied, "What would you like to say to the people that claim you over exalt yourself?" Maria questioned, "here we go ya'll" Nimka said jokingly as Jailer took a deep breath, "I just believe people should know when to open their mouths. because, for the most part, I am a nice person. you want answers? I'll give you answers. you want money? I'll tell you to go out there and earn it. I don't believe in allowing people to eat out the palm of my hand. you have to live for yourself. i am very much in my own head and a lot of people see that in a negative light. let me run my company in the same way; "oh, evil bitch"! we've heard about jailer! nobody wants to work with jailer! but if i show up and you have pickles on a board, you know what? i am gonna leave. but, had i accepted the pickle juice, i would be drinking pickle juice right now. and it's not about being a narcissist, it's about knowing who i am." Jailer replied, "People just get mad at those who have good things going for them, and those who are confident in themselves. they are just sad that they don't love themselves.some people make me want to lose my manners, and my mind." Nimka followed up. "You had a spat with Candylove earlier this week, any words for her as well?" Bianca asked, "Who? I don't know her, I'm not familiar with her work." Jailer replied, "And you Nimka?" Bianca questioned, "honestly she extremely upset me. I am not as strong as jailer, i'm a mere angel but I am sensitive. I do not care for people who make a mockery of myself, or my soul sister." Nimka replied. "The thing with Candylove is that she needs to take a seat and look at herself. open your front camera, Candylove, and really take a moment to look at yourself." Jailer followed snapping their fingers as our audience clapped in agreement. "I'ts no secret that you and Amer have had your creative differences, any words for him as well?" Bianca asked, "A word for Amer: surrender" Jailer replied.
"Time to wrap up" the familiar words were spoken into Maria and Bianca's headset so Maria asked one final question, "Rumors have surfaced that you will be checking into a rehabilitation center tomorrow, can you confirm this rumor?" she asked with a puzzled look on her face, "I was concerned that you may bring that up, the truth is that i am addicted to Valium and meth amphetamines. in 2010 I began crushing up adderall and using it to flavor my iced coffee. tomorrow I will be admitting myself to a rehabilitation center. I am currently heavily sedated, hence the wheelchair and oxygen mask. I am ready to get clean and become a better person." Jailer replied. "I hope you get through it" Bianca said with a smile, "Thanks for being here today, it was a pleasure having you" Maria followed up with a smile, "I'm glad you invited us" Nimka replied, "It was lovely talking to you Bianca" Jailer followed up as Nimka got up to hug Maria and Bianca then she wheeled Jailer away.
"Special thanks to Jailer and Nimka for being here today" Bianca said with a smile, "Thanks to our beautiful audience as well, you all were amazing" Maria followed up. "See you next week everyone" Bianca continued, "Bye!" Maria closed the show as they walked to the audience hugging and shaking everyone.