"What a week" Maria whispered to Bianca as they were standing behind the curtain waiting for the famous words to send them through the curtains to entertain our already cheering and chanting live studio audience. "I know" Bianca replied with a smile, "Live from New York city" our Technical guy announced putting a big beautiful smile on Bianca and Maria's face, "Hot Topics is extra spicy today" Bianca said to Maria, "Can't wait to break them down" Maria replied. "Here's Maria and Bianca" he completed and Maria and Bianca walked through the curtains for it was time for Hot Topics.
"Hi! welcome to Allure" Maria uttered with a big grin, "We're so glad you all made it here safe" Bianca followed up as our audience kept cheering and chanting, "We've got an awesome show for you today, creator of LOVE Xxsophiieluv.xX is here" Bianca said, "Let's get started, it's time for hot topics" Maria continued, "Let's dive right into our first feud shall we, so! a few days ago Rafael made this post and captioned it "Busted!" and tagged Xxsophiieluv.xX. Basically, the photo was one of Xxsophiieluv.xX's dresses made for the latest LOVE collection, only it was not Xxsophiieluv.xX that made it, It had been existence before she made it and made a collection out of that theme, and lot of comments started pouring in, the one that caught my attention was the comment Jailer made, where she accused Xxsophiieluv.xX's copying and Xxsophiieluv.xX did not take it likely, she fired back and the whole social media universe broke. They kept going back and forth at each other, it was one massive dramatic situation, did you see it Maria?" Bianca asked, "OMG! yes I saw it, it was epic, It was too much to take it all down, but as a designer myself I think we all have to use a specific design as base, and this was what Xxsophiieluv.xX used and she made better designs around it, so I didn't see a need for Jailer to start the drama." Maria replied, "Same! I just want to smack Rafael, he started all this, well! Xxsophiieluv.xX will be here later on in the show we'll find out more information from her and possibly get her to spill some secrets on LOVE." Bianca followed up with a smile.
"Bianca, we have to talk about this Norah, Nimka and everyone else drama, after last week's show of Allure, Norah made a comment where she said, Jailer was not an Icon and Nimka was not "cute" did you see this, what did you think about it?" Maria asked with a straight face, "i defiantly followed this drama, it was quite an interesting one to be honest, but I think Norah should leave them alone, stay in your lane girl, and I disagree with her, I think Nimka is the cutest ever, she's a really good friend of mine and if Jailer wants to call herself an icon, it's no one's business." Bianca replied, "I do agree with you, but people actually agreed with Norah, and Nimka had to make this post yesterday to keep Norah away which was good. i'm proud of her." Maria continued.
"From one drama filled situation to another, someone made this post yesterday on Facebook, and you Bianca didn't find it funny, you actually attacked her, can I know why?" Maria asked jokingly "I wouldn't say I 'attacked' her, I just attempted correct her and tell her cutting was in no way a joke, it could be really triggering for people, if you understand what I mean, It's not really funny, cutting sometimes leads to suicide and suicide is nothing to joke about in my opinion, clap if you agree everyone," Bianca said as the audience clapped in agreement, "I do agree with you, some people tend to make some ignorant "jokes" and they tend to forget that it's actually not a joke, you did the right thing in my opinion." Maria followed up with a smile.
"Let's move on to Manda, if you all can remember we talked about Manda's boyfriend last week how he was trying to get her to quit modelling, well! she made this post few days ago announcing their breakup and her friends stood by her side, this is a tough time for her so we hope she's better now" Bianca said with a smile as the audience clapped in agreement, "Aww! Manda i'm so glad she moved on, rumors have surfaced that he has moved on with Jeanette, did you hear this rumor?" Maria asked, "Of course! and I can confirm it, there were some pictures of Jeanette and Manda's ex recently partying it up in Vegas and showing some massive PDA, they were kissing and hugging, wow! Jeanette really surprised me with this one" Bianca replied.
"Well! this story is a little cray but Carmen Bynes was hacked last week and now there's a sex tape on the market and Carmen's the star what do you think of this Maria?" Bianca asked, "Sex tape? Woah! I wonder how much that'll go for, Carmen is not new to this by the way, there were nudes leaked earlier this year of Carmen so I am not surprised, I wonder who'll buy this." Maria replied, "Me too! I might buy it" Bianca said laughing so hard as the audience clapped along.
"Not moving out of the sex topic, the queen of Stardoll Chat herself Sarah has been cast as Anastasia Steel in the Dollywood remake of 50 shades of gray, we heard there will be lots of nudity and sex scenes, I'm really happy for Sarah. this is a really good way to shed her good girl image," Bianca said, "Wow! i'm so happy for her, she's cast alongside Paria right?" Maria asked, "Yes! can't wait see how that all turns out" Bianca continued.
"Let's move on to a very dramatic situation that actually took place today, it's no secret that Meto and Jeanette are not the best of friends, Virginia will be here later to explain this story to us, but! Jeanette made this status yesterday and it was directed towards Meto, and they started arguing back and forth, it was totally cray, did you see this Maria?" Bianca asked, " Not really, It happened today? I was so busy so I read it few minutes before we walked out, Meto darling learn to ignore some comments" Maria replied.
"Please welcome the beautiful Virginia Moore, she is here to explain the Meto and Jeanette feud, and she is looking stunning." Bianca said as Virginia walked out gracefully and hugged Maria and Bianca and sat down, "Thanks for being here Virginia, this is a 1 hour show so let's dive right into the gossip shall we, tell us about this post," Maria said, "Well! this post was directed to Bring the Bloggers Back, with every intention to be rude(in my opinion) to Jeanette, I read Meto´s status and I was upset!.Come on! BBB is one of the new blogs, that´s trying to bring the blog culture back, we even have Ashley Doggett, one of the best bloggers, as a guest. So yes, I felt it was for us. None of us are native English speakers, of course, some are better than others in grammar.I´m a bit rusty, but, I believe in the BBB project. Jeannette found a great team for "Bring the Blogger Back!", we are doing our best." Virginia replied. "And do you have any words for Meto?" Bianca asked, "He said that bad English gives him headaches, so honey, don´t read it, we are doing everything for BBB". Virginia replied, "Thanks for being here Virginia, you were lovely." Maria complimented, "Pleasure is all mine darling" Virginia replied. "We are going on a break but when the get back, the amazing Xxsophiie.luvxX is here, stay tuned" Bianca said as we went to commercial. 

"Welcome back everyone, Our guest today is the founder of LOVE and co-owner of Stardoll Fashion Week, please welcome the beautiful and ever creative Xxsophiie.luvxX" Bianca uttered with a beautiful smile.
Stepping out of the curtains looking as elegant as ever with beautiful long legs and an amazing smile with a beautiful set of teeth, Xxsophiie.luvxX approaches the Allure couch waving at the audience and moving closer to hug and kiss Maria and Bianca on the cheek. and she sat so gracefully. "You look amazing, thanks for coming" Bianca said, "Thank you, I'm so happy to be here" Xxsophiie.luvxX replied with a smile, "I love your outfit, who are you wearing?" Maria asked, "Thank you! I'm wearing a Rochas skirt, Alberta Feretti top and Miu Miu shoes" Replied Xxsophiie.luvxX, "Let's dive right into LOVE shall we, we're so excited for the first release of LOVE magazine, can you tell us a little about it?" Maria continued with a smile, "Sure! I've been planning to release LOVE for a while now, but I always found myself loosing interest in it, and around a month ago I started thinking of a way to innovate the idea of what a stardoll magazine is, add something new to it! and I realized alot of people have been getting into making .Png collections, so I thought I could get the stardoll members involved by giving them a chance to feature their creations on the magazine! It's been actually hard to figure out a way to use poses in a way that they look cohesive with the dresses and the dolls and you know the whole feel of the image" Xxsophiie.luvxX replied with a big grin, "and is the release date still today" Bianca asked, "No actually I moved it to next week, since I want to have a couple more days to finish everything and get it perfect" Xxsophiie.luvxX replied, "Great! we also know that "LOVE" has been known as your .png on sfw, will you present another collection at Stardoll Fashion Week?" Maria asked with a puzzled look on her face, "Yes! I'm in the design process for the 3rd collection now actually, considering I designed most of the red carpet dresses for The Stardoll Awards" Xxsophiie.luvxX replied, "So! we know that there's another season of Stardoll Fashion Week, and Jeanette confirmed she's organizing it alone, was there a fight between both of you, why the sudden change?" Maria asked once again, "Well! truthfully in the fist edition of Stardoll Fashion Week I was really not involved, I didn't have much time to help out and you know actually be a good part of the project and there was a bit of tension because of that, but we talked about it and I'm actually gonna continue being a part of Stardoll Fashion Week for it's second edition! and this past Stardoll Fashion Week was a huge success on its own though." Xxsophiie.luvxX replied with a smile, "Moving on, This past week was definitely very drama filled, and you didn't stay out of it, you in particular were in a bit an argument with Jailer, can you tell us what started and escalated the drama?" Bianca asked with a straight face, "Truthfully! I think it was the fact that she mentioned something about creativeness and stealing someones idea and I was like, well! I took this one dress and the rest of this designs are fully made by me from scratch, plus the other like 30 looks iv'e designed from scratch, and then so many people stood up for me. I was a little overwhelmed I got some great friends! I also got a couple messages about it and what not! I just wasn't gonna take comments like that when they come from someone that should really not be talking about it considering well what was already said in the post, there's no need to relive that is there?" Xxsophiie.luvxX asked, "Yes! no need" Bianca replied, "Do you have any words for Jailer" Maria chipped in, "Not a single one" Xxsophiie.luvxX replied. "Time to wrap up" Bianca and Maria heard in their headsets and Bianca asked one final question, "Where do you see yourself in a year from now?" Bianca asked with a smile, "Well a year is a short period of time, I see myself beginning college, continuing being extremely successful at designing and sewing in real life, as for my Dollywood life, I never plan anything for it, I could be here a year from now I could move on, who knows? I consider Dollwood to just be a hobby that gives me some sort of personal satisfaction, nothing else, I could leave anyday today, tomorrow or a year from now" Xxsophiie.luvxX replied laughing. "Thank you for being here, we had such a blast talking to you" Maria said with a beautiful smile, "Pleasure is all mine, thanks for having me I love it here" Xxsophiie.luvxX replied getting on her feet, "Thanks darling" Bianca replied hugging Xxsophiie.luvxX, Xxsophiie.luvxX hugged Maria one last time and departed the set.
"I had so much fun today Bianca, how about you?" Maria asked with a smile, "Today was amazing, what a fun show, what an amazing week" Bianca replied flashing her beautiful smile, "Thanks for coming out everyone, we love you" Maria uttered, "we love you so much, see you next week" Bianca closed the show as her and Maria walked to the audience to hug and thank for coming out to see them.