Interviews with Popular Girls

Interview With Tylerisbold !! Owner of Fashion.Attack ( Just Made a New Keek Channel !)

Friday, October 04, 2013Unknown

INTERVIEW WITh The Amazin Owner Of Fashion.Attack !! Sir Tylerisbold !!

Well hello Sir ! Its An honor to have a Person Like You Over here.
Hi, there! Well it's really nothing special, but thank you!
How are you today hope you’re feeling great welcome to Stardoll’s most wanted also known as secrets underneath
I'm doing well, thank you. I hope you are doing just as great!
Yes , Surely I am To have u here..So tell us how long have you been on Stardoll and what country are you from?
I have been on Stardoll since late 2007, it has been a while, but it's all been an interesting journey. I am from the United States.
Oh..You Are Really Famous For Your Club Fashion.Attack..Isnt that Cool? how is it workin out for you?
Whats The history
It is very cool and yes it is fun to get the attention I do get because of the club. One day I just got really tired of the same old fashion clubs I was seeing on Stardoll, so I decided to make Fashion.Attack and eventually came up with a master plan to attack the Stardoll fashion scene, and the rest is history!
Well That Is Awesome! Well I Can See You have Opened Keek And Uploaded Many Videos! What Are they all About? Tell Us A little About them?
Yes, I have, I am in love with the site and they have been so wonderful to me. It is basically a video sharing site, kind of like twitter, but you have 36 seconds to create a capturing video! I figured it would be very cool to start a channel of my own and about a week ago I got the idea to merge Stardoll with Keek. I thought, 'hey, I wonder if the people of Stardoll would be interested in what the owner of Fashion.Attack does in his everyday life"? And so, here we are now, great isn't it?!
Wow ! Surely It Is great !! Well We all Wanna Visit The Channel Dont we? 
So Whats Up With The MSW
Did You Like It This time?
Yay! Thank you, and yes go visit!
So Whats Up With The MSW Did You Like It This time?
I haven't been keeping a close eye on the competition, so I'm not really sure if I can answer that question properly. I'm sure it's great though.
Well, People Are Sayin That this time it was unfair.. But Anyways ! Who cares When we have Wonderful Vidoes Of You !
So is there any Message You Would Life to give to the Nation Of Stardoll ?
Awwh Awesome !! Well Bye bye to You Sir..And Me Myself Wud give You a visit everyday and surely will Stardollies too
derful Vidoes Of You !
So is there any Message You Would Life to give to the Nation Of Stardoll ?
Awwh Awesome !! Well Bye bye to You Sir..And Me Myself Wud give You a visit everyday and surely will Stardollies too
Bye See u soon!

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